no envy

don’t envy someone else –not cool.  be thankful for what you have because deep in your soul you know you are lucky.  stop the material craving –not cool.  you have everything you need.  you don’t need anything else – you actually need less, but your greed and envy have pushed you beyond what you need.  look around you and be happy.  look at the people around you and be grateful.  look at the life you have lived and be satisfied.  it is good to dream and keep the dream alive and act on fulfilling that dream –but don’t miss today and all the good things in your life today.  stop the envy –it only breeds contempt for the people around you in your wonderful life.  stop the envy now or it will destroy your strong family and friend bonds.  stop thinking about this so much.  stop over thinking that you need this and you need that.  it is hard to go against the stronger human nature desires –but you must try.  you must stop the envy –no envy.
