kissing ass

yeah, you know how it goes.  you kiss ass from birth to the grave –it is the system that moves our society along.  you have to always kiss ass –whether it be kissing your parent’s ass, your boss’ ass, your spouse’s ass, your  kid’s ass, your teacher’s ass, your friend’s ass –in order to get what you want, you have to kiss ass —-what a pain in the ass to have to kiss ass all the time –don’t you agree?  of course you agree –but it really doesn’t matter because if you are not kissing ass at this moment, you are waiting for the next opportunity to kiss some ass.  someone pisses you off, but you can’t react with the first thoughts that come to your mind–you have to react thoughtfully –you have to kiss ass because if you don’t kiss ass, you might lose something you value or something you have to value to keep things on track –like your job or your marriage or your friendship.  whoever came up with this ass kissing society anyway?  wouldn’t it be great if we could just say what we want and not have to kiss ass all the time–always tiptoeing through life, trying not to offend anyone.  but that will never happen because we are such a sensitive species –where mere words can make or break a moment –we hang on our every word –each one counting for a point we are trying to get across.  and there are thought police out there to analyze your every word –so if you say something that is off the main track of ass kissing –you have to retract that word, you have to go live in obscurity the rest of your life.  how dare you not kiss the proper ass!  the ones at the so-called top of the material world are the best ass kissers of them all.  they are smart because they don’t let their own feelings get in the way of their ass kissing.  it is an art form to them and a way to get what they want.  so keep the ass kissing up –so at the end of each ass kissing day, you can take a moment to not ass kiss, to think your own thoughts over a pint –it is that moment that we all live for –the non ass kissing moment.  enjoy!


the long view

this is not about the short view –this is about the long view.  you have to learn to take the long view when looking at your life in the present moment and when making decisions in the here and now.  if you do not see the long view when you make a judgement now, then your view of the present world and your place in it will be off base.  when you say something, you obviously don’t want to over-analyze it, but of course this will happen naturally –so try to keep the analysis to a minimum.  you have to think about life as a series of steps and building blocks –whether it be you building the blocks for yourself or if you are building the blocks for your kids –you need to think in the long view when taking these steps.  you cannot get frustrated when looking at life in the short view–though you will inevitably go down this path of frustration when looking at the short view too much–which is, in essence, moving through the moments of each day.  each moment can bring on some sort of anxiety because you see an issue and you first see this issue in the short view –how will this moment of anxiety affect me now, today, tonight, tomorrow –all in the short view.  obviously we cannot control this reaction because we have to live each day through these moments of anxiety.  but after we react to the moment in the short view–it is wise to then take that moment and reflect it against the long view–this will help put the continuous moments of anxiety in perspective–thus making these moments less important in the grand scheme of things.  most of us can do this naturally, but most of also get lost in short view moments of anxiety –it is a dilemma that is part of human nature.  think long view more often to help remedy this human flaw.


evolution of stupidity

we start off stupid and each day we evolve from this first moment of ground-floor stupidity.  this is called the evolution of stupidity.  we are stupid at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc –but we do become less stupid in each year that we put behind us.  this of course is called gaining wisdom and maturity.  this allows us to stop and think before we blurt out answers or comments.  this allows us to look smarter as we grow older.  this is why older folks appear to answer in a more methodical manner.  they are thinking over the answer or the comment very carefully before letting the words come out of their mouth.  now sometimes they have answers canned and ready to go because they have already done the work of thinking about what is the correct thing to say –so in this case they appear to be quicker in their response –thus they appear, smart, fast and wise –all at the same time.  now that is the position you want to find yourself in –where you have enough experience to have all your answers or comments ready to go –already screened for stupidity –already evolved much further down the path of evolving stupidity.  try to think before you speak –though it is very hard for mental midgets before 50, 60, 70–which is it?  for some, they never evolve –and that is a shame.
