destiny mindset

you need to make an adjustment to your outlook on the world:

  • your destiny is already planned
  • you don’t need to worry
  • you don’t need to be insecure
  • you don’t need to overthink things
  • you have to let be what will be
  • you can like people
  • you can dislike people
  • you will not connect with all people
  • don’t speak too much
  • know that you are on a path
  • know that whatever you think/feel will not affect your path
  • know that erratic actions could affect your path
  • it is ok to be spontaneous – that is part of the path
  • you are supposed to make last minute changes – all part of the path
  • carrying ill-will or misconceptions about people will not affect your path – so don’t do it
  • release all issues hanging on you
  • be happy
  • be content
  • be kind
  • be caring

keep going

just keep going.  that’s it.  don’t stop when you are in the middle of something.  just keep going and you will get there – but only if you don’t stop.  it may seem hopeless and relentless, but if all you do is keep going, then you will be rewarded someday.  if you stop, you get nothing in return.  so if you don’t know what to do – then just keep doing what you are doing – and don’t stop, never stop until the end.  keep going.
