get your ass kicked

i am finding that getting my ass kicked once in a while is good for me.  i am talking about life in the dojo again.  what a trip.  you pay money to literally get your ass kicked by the sensei.  at first i was scared shitless –i mean who wants to get punched in the face (of course with face protection on).  it freaks you out the first time and gives you flashbacks of 8th grade.  but as your time progresses in the dojo, you learn to accept it and actually start liking it.  this i believe is experiencing evolution real-time.  because if you remain scared shitless, you will in fact not progress in the arts of karate.  you need to embrace the ass-whipping!  that is what i did last night in the weekly ass kicking –and guess what–it worked–i enjoyed the whole thing. who would have thought that getting your ass kicked would be so much fun.  i mean the music is cranking and you and the master are going at it –he is trying to teach you and kick your ass at the same time–wild experience.  i feel more alive after this ritual and now realize that if i am ever going to reach black belt, i first need to embrace the ass kicking.  i am also sure this is not new info for boxers, etc –but to learn this first hand is pretty cool.  go join a dojo and get your ass kicked on a regular basis –quite liberating!  thanks sensei
