the 50s are very interesting. yeah, you are getting old and yeah, the body starts to break a bit. but, the realizations about life that come to your mind are awesome!
here they are –
- realize that you will die soon (in the next 10-30 years)
- realize that because you will die soon, you need to stop giving a shit about stupid things
- definitely stop caring about what others think
- definitely start cutting out people from your life that don’t care about you
- definitely remove all arrogant people from your life immediately
- definitely avoid all arrogant people
- focus more on family
- focus more on your real friends
- see that most people are acquaintances only
- don’t try to go back in time to deliberately revive old friendships
- realize that all friendships have a time and a place in your life
- not all friendships are meant to last a lifetime
- realize that routine is good for you and helps keep you alive
- live in the moment – look at nature and understand this concept
- go and do things now
- tell your loved ones that you love them
- understand that people, including friends, might not want to be around you anymore – that’s ok – keep moving forward
- listen closely to your gut – and follow it
- look at each day as a blessing and a victory
- not every day is going to be exciting – that is ok