nothing you can do

you know how things happen all the time.  these are things that come up and cause you worry, trouble, money, fixing, cleaning, etc.  and you know how they never really go away.  you might get a pause here and there.  but then bam!  down goes the fridge.  time to buy new clothes.  you need that new car.  sprinklers broken.  get your nails done.  buy those school photos.  need a family trip.  the AC just went out.  you got stuck with extra tixs to a game.  time to pay for braces.  all that money going to college savings.  the water bill jumped up.  new tires for safety.  you went over your monthly data plan.  halloween costumes.  spring break coming up.  buy that gift for another bday party.  the unexpected wedding invite – write that check for the new couple.  you have always fretted about all of these things that never seem to end.  but then one day you realize that they never will end until your final day here.  so what is the point of getting upset.  just accept it – now that you realize it – and your life will be easier.  you will lose less sleep.  there is nothing you can do, so relax and accept this fact.  clear your mind for other things.


the beat down

we have all been beaten down by someone at some point in our lives.  this is not a physical beat down, but a mental, emotional beat down.  to be beaten down is to harass, subdue, or crush the spirit of – as defined in the dictionary.  these defined words are quite accurate.  people can crush your spirit, they can harass you, they can subdue you – they can make you not care as much as you normally would about a relationship, a task or a job.  we have all felt this way on the job.  your opinion doesn’t matter – just do what we say and we will crush your spirit in the meantime.  keep doing your job, but do it better because what you are doing is not enough.  why do we continue to take this beat down – because we need the money, we need the job, we are too lazy to look for another job, we think things will get better, we think the company will hit the big time one day and we will all benefit – but we just have to endure the beat down to get there.  many could not do what you do.  they would have walked out on day 2.  but you can take the beat down.  you have learned to accept it because you have another life outside of work and that life keeps you going – it keeps you happy – but the beat down can occasionally spill into your happy life, causing some problems – but not enough to affect it too much – not enough to quit.  you actually like what you are doing at work – but you must endure the beat down to stay there.  sometimes you want to quit – sometimes they want to fire you – but it doesn’t happen and you keep going – day after day, week after week, month after month – and then year after year.  you get used to it – they get used to you.  it becomes normal – but it is not normal.  you do learn how to cope better – you do learn how to be patient – you do learn how to be calm.  that is all good – but don’t let the beat down break your spirit – it can crush it but not break it.  you need to get through at the end  – stronger, wiser – and with the same zest for life.  you will endure the beat down as long as you are supposed to endure it – and not one day longer.  all results will be good because the next phase won’t have the beat down.  this is your time to endure the beat down – so suck it up, evolve, and move on.


a reason

every person that is put into your life is there for a reason.  you have to look at life this way to keep your mind on track.  you have to understand that a person is put there to test you, to challenge you, to push you to go further, to help make you evolve, to put you in uncomfortable situations, you make you try your best, to prove yourself, to force you to do what you wouldn’t normally do.  you must think this way – there is a reason that person is suddenly in your life – whether at work or in a social environment – there is a reason and it is a good reason.  if you think this way, then you will not get frustrated and you will begin to see what you can learn from this person being there – from this person who does or says things differently than you – a person that you instantly want to dislike because they bring out your insecurities – they test your usual confidence.  it is up to you to find out why they are put there and what you need to learn.  they might be the catalyst to make a big change or they might just be there to help you reach your greatest heights.  think this way – that there is a reason and it is for your benefit – and you will make progress and you will not be frustrated.  i know it is a big task to open your mind to this concept – and you will have to force yourself to think this way – but it is the only way to move forward.  think about this – you are placed into their life to help them as well – every interaction has a mutual reason.
