the american ego and the rest of the world

i am an american and i have a big ego – especially when talking about the rest of the world

all americans are taught when growing up that we are the best in the world, the leaders of the world, etc

we see what is going on and we say – yeah, we are at the top – we run things – we have the strongest military – we can kick anyone’s ass

for the most part – this is quite true – it is our time at the top – we can keep the rest of the world in line

but the problem is the ego thing – when we think all of these things – we get a big head – we disregard everyone else, we walk around in a loud way – and the rest of the world laughs at us behind our backs – they treat us poorly when we visit – but they put up with us because we have the $$ to spend, etc

and i have thought in this way too – until i bought this map and put it on my wall – see at bottom of post

this map shows a visual history of the world from 3000 bc to today

and what you quickly realize is how new the USA is compared to all the civilizations and empires before us

look way down at the bottom right – the purple area – that’s us – the time the USA has been around – then look at all the other colors and how long they have been around

for example – here is when these modern countries got organized-

Ireland – 750 AD
Sweden – 1000 AD
France – 500 AD
England – 700 AD
Italy – 1050 AD
Spain – 800 AD

And of course USA is 1776 AD

So what this tells me is when I meet people from these other countries or when i visit these other countries – i need to respect them more

they were here way before us and we just seem to brush that over with our ego of here and now

it’s ok to have the american ego – it helps us achieve great things – but let’s also think about the histories of these other countries and give them respect


the struggle of the individual mind

the individual mind of a human is constantly fighting itself – good thoughts vs bad thoughts – this is the paradox of being human and the side effect of having such an intelligent brain

yes, humans will achieve great things across history, but in doing so, they will always have to fight the demons at their door

across human history, things will be put in place to manage the individual demons – these things are in the form of government and religion

government and religion are necessary for humans to advance – to survive – to thrive – it keeps them on track and away from the demons in the individual mind

without them, chaos and evil and destruction would rule – and there would be no such thing as civilization


humans vs animals

you ever notice how the animals just get on with it? every day they wake up and do what they are supposed to do. this is not the same with humans. because our brains are more developed, we tend to think more than animals. our brain gets in the way of waking up and just doing what we are supposed to do. our brain says don’t do what you are supposed to do – do what you want to do or do nothing at all. the animals work away every day and the humans think away every day.

of course i am not comparing humans to animals but it is interesting to look at the animals and see that they are just getting on with what they need to get on with while humans toil away in their thoughts.

don’t get me wrong – thoughts are good – they can change the world for the better

but maybe we should act more like animals once in awhile and just get on with it


the devil

i don’t consider myself to be an overly religious person – but what i have learned recently is that the devil is out there trying to influence people to think or do bad things. i am now committed to resist the devil trying to influence me and i am also noticing the devil influencing others to say or do wrong things – and because of that – i will move away from those people


real power is continuing on

do not give up

do not give in

do not stop

do not yield to evil

do not sacrifice yourself

do not follow bad thoughts

do not say bad thoughts

do not yield to bad people

the real power of life is to continue on in your life without giving in to bad things. stay on the right track. keep your tight grip on life. follow your strong good habits. follow your consistent good routine. keep getting out of bed. keep doing what you are supposed to do. do not give up your life when you still have life to live. this is real power. to stay in the fight of life. to not leave the ring until it is truly your time. if you can make it to the end with your honor intact – with your dignity intact – with your character intact – it will be then and only then when you have won the game of life. stay strong and stay in the game – do not yield to things that want to pull you out of the game. this is real power – staying the course no matter what.


the empty nest factor

this empty nest thing is very interesting. you spend 20 years raising kids to get ready for the world and then one day they are gone. you come home after dropping them off at college and the first thing that you do is cry like a baby. you cry because your life of the last 20 years has changed significantly – in what seems like an instant. it feels like a death in the family. the person is gone – time to clear out the food, the clothes, etc.

you devote so much of your time and energy into other people’s lives that it seems like a moment of shock when you don’t have to do that anymore. you suddenly realize that you have moved back into an earlier phase of your life – the life before kids. but this time you are 20-30 years older and you have become dependent on your dependents!

so what do you do when the tears dry up? many people keep crying and seem to go into mourning for some time. they can’t handle it – they want to have their old life back – when there were more people around the house – when life seemed more alive -when you were needed more by other people.

others jump for joy – freedom is finally here! – let’s go! let’s travel! let’s do whatever we want! we all eventually get to this feeling but sometimes it takes awhile. you have to reset your mind, you have to reset your habits, you have to reset your routines – and you have to get used to living with your spouse again – one on one.

at the end of the day, this is just another phase in life and like all phases – we must learn to adapt to the new phase. we must move forward and embrace this new empty nest phase. we must not look back – we must look forward and enjoy the life we have left.


20-40 years

once you hit 50 years old – that’s all you have left to live – 20-40 years if you are lucky. so think about life that way. think to yourself – “i have 20-40 years left in my life – and that’s it”

when you start to give a damn about what people think about you – think 20-40

when you start to care if you are not included in events, etc – think 20-40

when you have people that don’t reciprocate a friendship – think 20-40

when people don’t have time for you – think 20-40

when people don’t ask questions about your life – think 20-40

when people think they are better than you – think 20-40

when people show off – think 20-40

when people are rude to you – think 20-40

That’s it! 20-40 years left! so why do you give a shit about any of these things, when in 20-40 years, you will be dead!

in other words – do what makes you happy, do what makes your family happy, do whatever you want – and stop caring about anything else because in 20-40 years – you will be dead and the world will go on without you – and in a couple of generations, no one will know your name – live YOUR damn life the way you want to live it – and the sooner you figure this out, the sooner you will stop caring about things that don’t matter and you will stop worrying all the time – and you might actually do more with your life!

goodbye – nothing else to say here – the message is crystal clear!


time and human relationships

this is nothing new to the older generations but like everything – this is quite new to generations growing older.

which is – as we grow older, we start to care less about what others think or say – because we realize that our time on earth is running short and we can’t afford to waste anymore time

this then pushes us to react to people in a different way – a less tolerant way. we have always taken the tolerant path first -put with what we perceived to be people’s BS

but now as we grow older and start to care less and less – we shorten bad interactions and, in fact, end relationships altogether instead of staying nice and tolerant.

this leads to a list developing – of people that perhaps were once friends or acquaintances and now you have cut off

don’t be alarmed – this is normal – it goes hand in hand with the “i don’t care” mentality

if you don’t care and if time is running out – then you will move faster to judgment on human relationships – and a list of ex-friends will develop

accept this side effect to “i don’t care” and move on

the perceived nicest person in the world has a list – believe it


i don’t care – part 2

what does it mean to say “i don’t care”? it means actually not caring 100% about what other people are doing or saying or thinking. when you reach this state of not caring, then your mind is completely free. we talk about freedom and being free in the literal sense all of the time. democracies and societies are formed around the idea of physical freedom. we live for it and we die for it. without physical freedom, we can’t really move to the reality of mental freedom – which is saying “i don’t care”.

of course we care for our families and our close friends – that is natural and it doesn’t affect our mental state. i’m talking about caring for everyone else – for the people that don’t care about you -for the people that don’t give you a second thought – for the people that don’t care enough to ask you any questions about your life. these are the people that i am talking about – these are the people that we need to not care about. we need to not care about what they are doing – we need to not care about what they are thinking. this even goes for people that were more important in your life in the past but now seem not to care about you – let them go – let them all go.

but how do we not care -how do we reach a state of mind of not caring for the uncaring people. this is one of the great accomplishments in life – to reach 100% mental freedom. this doesn’t happen over night – this takes practice – this takes time – to reach this ultimate state of mind. a state of mind that gives your life back to you – that gives you a feeling of freedom and power.

the first step is recognizing this truth to a more powerful and free life. many don’t see it – but if you do see this path, then you must take it.


i don’t care – part 1

we must all reach this stage in life – where we say and believe “i don’t care” – but it is very hard to reach 100%. when we are young, we care about everything and everyone. we want everyone to like us. we want to go to every event – we want to be a part of everything. FOMO drives us crazy. we think that everyone is thinking about us – that they care about us – that they care about what we are doing. so we care about them – we think about them – we want to be with them or be like them. we think that we are special and that is why people should think and care about us.

this is especially true for people born in the last half of the 1900’s. society turned more towards the “me” movement – with the baby boomers opening up their minds – believing they were special and then pitching this concept to their kids – with future generations cementing this idea into the fabric of western society through the family interaction. now we have a fully immersed society that only thinks about me,me,me – and this is further enhanced with the internet and social media. so instead of evolving away from the “me” society and the “i don’t care” attitude – where we can free our minds to live our lives without extra mental stress – we instead see a society that has more mental illness and depression. these issues are a direct result of the “me” movement filled with self indulgence, self importance, and arrogance. this is why we see more lashing out by teens, more violence, more people taking medication, etc.

what do we do? how do we break this cycle? society, as a whole, cannot break the cycle, because the roots are not at the society level but more at the individual level – where it started. as individuals, we don’t rely on society change to live our own lives – we rely on our own experiences and thoughts to live our individual lives. so we must make change at the individual level.

the first step is saying “i don’t care”

saying “i don’t care” –
-frees your mind
-helps you live your own life
-gives you self power
-removes mental anguish
-provides more focus
-allows you to live in the moment
-allows you to focus on the real people in your life
-gives you a reason not to care about everyone and everything
